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Assisting Departments
Prominent procedures
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy
A cutting edge non-operative treatment alternative. It relieves pain by naturally promoting the long lasting healing of musculoskeletal conditions. Biologically, PRP is human blood that is separated, and in the process generating platelet concentration above usual values. In addition to being responsible for blood clotting, platelets also have great potential in improving the healing of muscles, tendons and ligaments. Hence, it augments tissue repair and accelerates soft tissue healing.
In reproductive medicine, PRP therapy can be employed to enable successful embryo implantation.
![Platelet Rich Plasma](https://craftivf.com/storage/gallery/171575141631/original/prppreg2.webp)
![Clinical Psychology](https://craftivf.com/storage/gallery/171575144880/original/clinicalpsychologypr.webp)
Clinical Psychology
A person suffering from the woe of infertility or childlessness can go through a series of complex issues spanning biological, physical, social, and even ethical domains. Clinical psychology, therefore comes into the picture as an extremely vital sphere in keeping the emotional balance of the individual(s) involved intact.
As a formal definition, counselling can be described as “an interpersonal process, within the confines of a theoretical framework, the single most important purpose of which being to bring about a change in a skilled and systematic manner.”
Counselling in infertility hence aims at exploring, understanding and resolving issues arising as a result of infertility and also its treatment. It seeks to refine different ways of dealing with this issue more effectively.
Counselling at CRAFT
Craft houses highly experienced clinical psychologists who provide relentless emotional assistance, and behavioural modification therapies and techniques to our patients to alleviate them of their depression and stress related issues arising from infertility. Hence, we offer:
Family Counselling
Aims at offering emotional support to couples who experience distress and frustration in the wake of :
- Desire for a child,
- Social, and family pressures
- Concerns over the reproductive technology employed
- Anxiety over waiting for the results to arrive
- Unfortunate developments like failed pregnancies, abortions etc.
![Counselling at CRAFT](https://craftivf.com/storage/gallery/171575146048/original/familycounselingpreg.webp)
![Premarital Counselling](https://craftivf.com/storage/gallery/17157514690/original/premaritalcounseling.webp)
Premarital Counselling
- Understand the mental dilemma of the concerned person.
- Channelized support to help the prospective couples rise out of their anxieties.
Individual Counselling
- To alleviate people’s anxiety, depression, and other stress related issues.
Personality modification procedures
Rejuvenation Therapy in Infertility
A decline in the quality and quantity of eggs over a period of years is a fact and no doubt in that, even though the aspiring mothers frequently forget it. A baby girl before her birth in her mother’s womb at around 5 months of pregnancy has the maximum number of 5 million eggs. At birth, the number comes down to 2 million and by the time she attains puberty the number dips down to 500,000. Each day hundreds of eggs are depleted and by the age of 40 years, only a few hundreds will be left. Conditions such as endometriosis and infections make this process of depletion faster and surgeries done on the ovaries such as cystectomy or tubectomy can damage the ovaries considerably, if not then meticulously.
Medications available on the market
Ovulogens such as Clomiphene Citrate and Gonadotropin injections act only on smaller eggs known as Antral follicles. If there are no good number of antral follicles, these injections and medicines are of no use and the patient will be advised to opt for Donor Eggs or Donor Embryo Transfers by the IVF Specialist. For those who want to use own eggs to have their own babies, there comes the help of Rejuvenation Therapy. Ovarian Rejuvenation is a therapy that may facilitate the growth of very tiny Pre-Antral follicles which are lying dormant in the ovaries of women and normally not visible through the scan. These follicles do not respond to the Gonadotropins while undergoing the process of IVF-ICSI.
![Medications available on the market](https://craftivf.com/storage/gallery/171575148321/original/ayurvedapreg2.webp)
![Rejuvenation Therapy in Infertility](https://craftivf.com/storage/gallery/171567652478/original/rejuvanationtherapyp.webp)
Once these follicles come out of the stage of Pre-Antral to Antral follicles, then the ovulogens act on them and the person may ovulate. So, here comes the benefit of rejuvenation therapy where around 60 ml blood is withdrawn from the patient and after undergoing special processing, around 1.5 ml of serum rich in growth factors, platelets, and other cells is obtained. This serum is injected into the ovaries through a scan. We at CRAFT, have been doing this process over a couple of months. About 50 to 60% patients who either had a cancellation of previous IVF cycle or bad quality oocyte retrieval or had failed donor cycles have produced a good number of follicles, eggs, and embryos ultimately after this therapy.
We at CRAFT, have been doing this process over a couple of months. About 50 to 60% patients who either had a cancellation of previous IVF cycle or bad quality oocyte retrieval or had failed donor cycles have produced a good number of follicles, eggs, and embryos ultimately after this therapy.
But this does not ensure a 100% guarantee to get an adequate number of own eggs to get a viable pregnancy in all the cases treated.
Rejuvenation therapy for repeat implantation failure
Persistent thin endometrium is another problem for patients as well as clinicians to achieve a healthy pregnancy. The uterine lining membrane known as the Endometrium has to reach a sufficient thickness of 8mm to 10mm, for them to accept the embryos by the process of implantation and impart sustenance and nourishment to the embryo and thus, resulting in a full term viable fetus. This is possible only if the endometrium is thick and sufficiently nourished. In some cases, the uterine lining would be persistently thin and will be much resistant to any type of stimulation. These cases can also now be corrected by the process of Rejuvenation Therapy. In this process, 50ml of blood is withdrawn from the patient. It is then subjected to a process and at the end, we get around 0.8ml serum which is rich in platelets and growth factors. This serum is injected into the uterine lining membrane which helps in improving the implantation process.
![Rejuvenation therapy for repeat implantation failure](https://craftivf.com/storage/gallery/171575150665/original/rejuvanationpregnant.webp)
Diagnostic Services
CRAFT features the finest and most advanced medical equipment for diagnosis and therapy. These state of the art devices are crucial in making diagnostic and therapeutic procedures safer, faster and more precise.
Color Doppler Scan
- Helps in the diagnosis of very early foetal compromise in Intra Uterine growth restriction.
- Enables management of foetus while within the uterus.
- Assists in assessing the various factors that determine the time of delivery of such critical foetuses.
![Color Doppler Scan](https://craftivf.com/storage/gallery/171575152242/original/colordopplerscanpreg.webp)
![Volusion E-8 3D/4D Scan](https://craftivf.com/storage/gallery/171567659187/original/baby4dultrasoundpreg.webp)
Volusion E-8 3D/4D Scan
- Helps witness the activities of baby inside the womb that are either difficult or impossible to identify on traditional 2D scanning.
- Provides high quality 3D and real time 4D instantly
- Allows identification of foetal anomalies, growth reduction etc.
Video Endoscopic System
- Helps visualize all the internal reproductive organs like Uterus, tubes, ovaries, Pelvic Peritoneum etc. and assists in all Endoscopic (keyhole) surgery.
- CRAFT is the first in the state to have a full-fledged Video Endoscopic system which was established in 1990.
- 24 hour Advanced Laparo Hysteroscopic Surgery Unit. Well equipped air-conditioned Labor suites.
- Well equipped air-conditioned Labor suites.
- Special care clinic for high risk pregnancy and recurrent pregnancy loss.
- HRT Clinic for well women clinic.
- Multi cuisine restaurant.
- Accommodation Facilities.
- State of the art Level 3 Neonatology Care.
- We are soon to establish a well appointed and fully functional Genito-Urinary Department.
![Video Endoscopic System](https://craftivf.com/storage/gallery/171567660576/original/endoscopypreg2.webp)
Immunotherapy For Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
In at least 10% of repeated abortions & 20% of repeated implantation failures after IVF-ICSI , we have found that a new technique known as HLT ( husbands leukocyte transfer ), that’s separating a special form of white cells known a s lymphocytes from about 20ml of husbands blood by a special technic & is then injected in to the lymphatics at least 5 times. This treatment had given us a very good results in terms of live births in recurrent IVF failures and repeated abortions ,including one case who had 10 abortions.Now every month we have at least 3 or4 deliveries following HLT.
![Video Endoscopic System 2](https://craftivf.com/storage/gallery/171575155814/original/happyprgladypreg2.webp)
Our facilities include
Color Doppler Scan
- Helps in the diagnosis of very early foetal compromise in Intra Uterine growth restriction.
- Enables management of foetus while within the uterus.
- Assists in assessing the various factors that determine the time of delivery of such critical foetuses.
Volusion E-8 3D/4D Scan
- Helps witness the activities of baby inside the womb that are either difficult or impossible to identify on traditional 2D scanning.
- Provides high quality 3D and real time 4D instantly.
- Allows identification of foetal anomalies, growth reduction etc.
Video Endoscopic System
- Helps visualize all the internal reproductive organs like Uterus, tubes, ovaries, Pelvic Peritoneum etc and assists in all Endoscopic (keyhole) surgery
- CRAFT is the first in the state to have a full fledged Video Endoscopic system which was established in 1990
![Dr. Raiza Ashraf](https://craftivf.com/storage/gallery/171894247469/original/dr_raiza.webp)
Dr. Raiza Ashraf
Sr. Embryologist, M.B.B.S , M.Sc Clinical Embryology (Leeds), Fellowship in Clinical Embryology (CRAFT)
![Dr. Raiza Ashraf](https://craftivf.com/storage/gallery/17189425185/original/dr_sreesha.webp)
Mrs. Sreesha Viswam
Msc Bio Tech