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Reproductive Surgery

Reproductive surgery is a major corrective solution for many fertility issues related to Internal errors of the female reproductive organs. On an average around 40 to 50 percent of the female fertility issues can be corrected by Lapro-Hysteroscopic surgery.This is a procedure which identifies minor and major internal causes which is not externally visible even via ultrasound imaging. With this corrective procedure, we can correct pelvic factors like Tubal blocks,adhesions ,removal of tumors like Fibroids ,adinomyosis ,removal of cysts from the ovaries , and correction of the uterine anomalies like the septate uterus etc.
At CRAFT we have a strong ethical procedure of referring only the absolutely necessary cases for Laparoscopy. Only major cases that require surgical corrections undergo Reproductive surgery at our centre. This ensures that patients exploitation is avoided at any cost at any level of treatment at CRAFT and we give the best of care to our patients.
At CRAFT Reproductive surgery is headed by Dr.Subhash and team. Dr. Subhash, MD DGO joined CRAFT in 1999 and with great pride we say that it is his effective and expertise lead that enabled us to have so many success cases in Reproductive surgeries at CRAFT. Since 23 years CRAFTwould have successfully completed more than 40 thousand Laproscopies and till date without any major complications .