Patient Reviews / Testimonials

Name Undisclosed
“We came to CRAFT for the same reason why most couples visit here. CRAFT is a safe abode for infertility management. After a stand-by of several years, the news that we were expecting was long overdue. Now the wait is finally over. I’m 4 months pregnant now under the treatment and guidance of Dr. Noushin. We’re happy with the treatment received from CRAFT since day 1. All our problems were addressed with right procedures and we were fortunate to have them received under the leadership of Dr. Ashraf himself. At the age of 44, I had a mere 20-30% chances of getting my own baby through biological parentage. Yet I was able to get pregnant without the need for any donor eggs or sperms. This is only possible due to the years and years of expertise of CRAFT Medical team.

Nourin Hussain
I’m Nourin Hussain. Me and my husband have been consulting Dr. Noushin at CRAFT Hospital. For several years, we’ve been trying at different hospitals and doctors. Every single of them ended in spending huge amounts of money with no signs of hope at all. We started consulting Dr. Ashraf and then Dr. Noushin after hearing a lot of reviews from friends and relatives. I’m now 4 months pregnant and healthy as ever. The staff and doctors are polite. They are always ready to clear any doubts whatsoever. CRAFT Hospital & Research Centre has truly been exceptional in taking care of my health needs. Every procedure and every medicine prescribed were properly explained to us. On the behalf of everyone in our family, we would like to thank each and everyone who have been our support during every visit and procedure. Thanks again to Dr. Noushin for all your time and the good work you’re doing.”

Name Undisclosed
“After going through a failed IUI and IVF procedure at Bangalore, we were hesitant initially to go through another IVF cycle. We came to CRAFT on the reference of a doctor in my hometown. Right from day one, Dr. Noushin gave us confidence and also the hospital success stories made us take a decision to proceed with another IVF cycle. We thank God today as now I’m 4 months pregnant and for helping us choose the right decision. Dr. Noushin is a calm and cheerful person who takes special care in giving customized treatment to each of her patients according to their diagnosis history. In my case, it was Dr. Noushin who diagnosed the autoimmune condition and gave my body ample time and appropriate medication to suppress the condition before the IVF cycle. Needless to say, she guided me well through out aspiration and FET procedure. Special mention to Ramzi sister, who always has supported us during each of our visits to Dr. Noushin. Backbone of CRAFT hospital is their nursing staff. I could not travel back home after FET due to the pandemic and it was Sister Greeshma and Sister Sona, who took care of me during our stay at the hospital. We thank everyone who helped me in my journey to motherhood. A big hug to all”

Name Undisclosed
We came to craft Hospital for the first time in 2019 after struggling of 15 years of Infertility. We have received the expected outcome. Finally we came to the right hospital – CRAFT Hospital and Research Centre. We were very much impressed with dealing of Dr.Noushin and her staff who made our dream come true.Thanking you for the honesty and down to earth approach. You have all made our dreams of expanding my family possible and we will be grateful for ever. We will be recommending you for those who failed many times in Infertility treatment,those who lost their hope,to this hospital by sharing our successful experience. I would also like to thank all members and staff especially Ramsi and Ragi, and all others who helped us.Once again we thank Dr.Noushin for her wonderful mental support and caring through out the journey. Now with the guidence and treatment – I am 7 months pregnant.

Name Undisclosed
“അല്ലാഹുവിന്റെ അപാരമായ അനുഗ്രഹത്താൽ ക്രാഫ്റ്റ് ഹോസ്പിറ്റലിന്റെ സഹായത്തോടെ നമുക്ക് ഒരു പെൺകുഞ്ഞ് പിറന്നിരിക്കുന്നു. അൽഹംദുലില്ലാഹ്… നീണ്ട പതിനൊന്ന് വർഷത്തെ കാത്തിരിപ്പിനാണ് ഇന്ന് വിരാമമാകുന്നത്.. ഒരുപാട് ചികിത്സ നടത്തിയും, പ്രമുഖ ഡോക്ടർമാരെയും കണ്ടപ്പോൾ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് കുട്ടികളുണ്ടാവില്ല.. വേണമെങ്കിൽ ഡോണറെ വെച്ച് ചെയ്യാമെന്ന് അതിന് താൽപ്പര്യമില്ലാത്തതിനാൽ വളരെ നിരാശരായി ഇരിക്കേണ്ടി വന്നിട്ടുണ്ട്.. ഇനിയെന്ത് എന്ന ചോദ്യത്തിനിടയിൽ യാദൃശ്ചികമായി അഷ്റഫ് സാറുടെ വീഡിയോ യൂട്യൂബിൽ കാണാൻ ഇടയായി.. ഇനി ഡോക്ടറുടെ കാണിക്കൂല എന്ന മനക്കരുത്തിൽ നിന്ന് അവസാന ശ്രമം എന്ന നിലക്ക് കൊടുങ്ങല്ലൂർ ക്രാഫ്റ്റിൽ എത്തുകയും, അഷ്റഫ് സാറിനെ കാണാൻ ഇടവരികയും ചെയ്തു.. സത്യം പറയാലോ ആ ഫസ്റ്റ് വിസിറ്റ് തന്നെ എന്തെന്നില്ലാത്ത ആത്മവിശ്വാസം കിട്ടി.. എല്ലാം ശരിയാക്കാം എന്ന സാറിന്റെ വാക്കിന്റെ അടിസ്ഥാനത്തിലാണ് തുടർചികിത്സ നടത്തിയതും, ഇപ്പോൾ കുഞ്ഞിനെ ലഭിച്ചതും.. ഇതിന് ഒരു പാട് പേരോട് കടപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു.. പുതിജീവൻ തന്ന അഷ്റഫ് സർ, കുഞ്ഞെന്ന സ്വപ്നം കാണാൻ പഠിപ്പിച്ച ധർമ്മരാജ് സർ, കൈതണലായി കൂടെ നിന്ന റീമ മാഡം.. അതിലുപരിയായി സഹോദരങ്ങളെ പോലെ പെരുമാറിയ നഴ്സുമാർ, ഓഫീസ് & റിസപ്ഷൻ സ്റ്റാഫ് എല്ലാവർക്കും അകമഴിഞ്ഞ നന്ദി പ്രാർത്ഥനരൂപത്തിൽ സമർപ്പിക്കുന്നു…”

Name Undisclosed
“Thanks to Dr. Noushin and all staff members of CRAFT Hospital. We are extremely satisfied with the treatment received from the hospital. We consulted Dr. Noushin from the beginning and the suggestions offered by her were excellent. She instructed me carefully towards our dream of having an own child and every consultations that I had with her helped me reach towards that goal. Thanks to Ramzi for arranging my consultations”

Name Undisclosed
I’m from Malappuram. Long 19 years have passed since my marriage. Endometriosis had me stalled from getting pregnant naturally. When I found about my situation, I started treatment and continued for the last 5 unsuccessful years from various hospitals. I even did laparoscopic surgery twice but everything was in vain. It was in last October that I came to know about Dr. Ashraf and CRAFT Hospital. Without any further adu, I decided to meet him and soon I was transferred to Dr. Noushin. Her words were brimming with energy and it helped me to restore the hope that I’ve lost in this difficult journey. She offered me the best in class treatment. The energy that She radiated was phenomenal to my course of treatment. The staff who work with the doctor were pleasing and had a positive impact to my mind. By the Grace of the Almighty and Dr. Noushin’s treatment, today I’m readying to become a mother.

Name Undisclosed
“THE ULTIMATE SOLUTION FOR INFERTILITY!!! First of all, big thanks to CRAFT (doctor’s and support team) for making our lives delightful. After being married for 7-years, we were not complete without a baby, even though leading a healthy life. We tried IUI, IVF at different infertility centres across Kerala several times but not succeeded. However, we finally decided to go to CRAFT Hospital irrespective of other difficulties (travel distance, road conditions) and for such a decision, we finally got paid by “conceiving twins” A big thanks from the depths of out heart to Dr. Ashraf and our consultant Dr. Noushin for making our life fruitful. Final message to all infertility couples: Don’t hesitate. Come to your second home (CRAFT) and rejuvenate. They WILL complete your family.”

Name Undisclosed
“A ray of hope is what we all look forward to in our lives and I’m very glad to have I made the right decision of choosing the right thing at the perfect juncture – CRAFT is and will be a part and parcel of our lives. The most important credit though goes to Dr. Noushin – She is a gem. I had my fears unfolded when I first spoke to her and I could connect with her more than a doctor like a buddy. Love her for her lively spirit and professionalism. Also want to note the efforts of staff. Ramzi – very humble and proactive. My words of acknowledgment for Dr. Noushin & Ramzi pour from my heart & wishing CRAFT all the best!”

Name Undisclosed
“Thanks to God Almighty. Now, I am 18 weeks pregnant and that too with twins. The most blessed moments in our life. Thanks to Dr. Ashraf & team from the bottom of our heart for helping us to fulfill our dreams. We have been married for nine years consulted many doctors, several cycles of failed treatments but everything was in vain. We come to CRAFT Hospital on January 2019 and met Dr. Ashraf. Our last ray of hope. We appreciate the systematic treatment approach here combined with the latest treatment techniques and most modern lab facilities. Then I was transferred to Dr. Noushin. We are extremely thankful to Dr. Noushin for her guidance, care and timely help throughout the course of the treatment which helped us to remain positive. Special thanks to Dr. Reema, Dr. Sankalp, Smitha Ma’am for their cooperation in our journey. The entire hospital staff where caring and friendly. Once again we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the whole CRAFT team for their dedication, since your efforts and care delivered on us throughout our journey to parenthood”